We are live! We have launched our exciting new platform tracking the private funding of political parties called Whose Vote Counts?

Since 2021, the Political Party Funding Act has forced political parties to disclose receiving more than R278 million rand from private donors. But who are these donors? What are the sources of their funds? What are their business interests? How may they use their money to influence government decisions, undermining the voices of the rest of us? How does the toxic relationship between money and politics determine who has a say?

In partnership with OpenUp, Whose Vote Counts? was designed to help voters, activists and journalists answer these questions. It shows, unsurprisingly, that around 41.4% (R115 million) of all private donations comes from the top two sectors: mining and coal and energy followed by 16% (R44 million) from just one individual – online gambling mogul Martin Moshal!

See who funds our political parties by clicking here.

Missed the launch? Watch the webinar launch below.

Media Enquries
Sheilan Clarke
Head of Communications & Stakeholder Management
+27 73 429 25 93